Category: installation

  • Oscillations


    Oscillations Oscillations is an immersive sound and video installation that springs from the experience of loss and the process of grief. The audience enters a dark room where they are surrounded by the sound of breathing that emits from speakers placed around the room. After some time in the dark, a video is unexpectedly projected…

  • Red Yarn

    Red Yarn

    Red Yarn Excerpt – Video with sound 4:53″ continuous loop

  • Despues de las historias de infancia

    Despues de las historias de infancia

    Después de las Historias de Infancia 5 channel video installation with sound. Rosa, 2:28″ (Performed by Erick Montes)

  • Nosotros Somos

    Nosotros Somos

    Nosotros Somos 2 channel video projection with sound

  • 8/14/03


    8/14/03 SD video with sound video installation: a single monitor in a darkened room